The Long Code environment presents an identical opportunity for everyone, including individuals, media, entertainment, non-profits government organizations, technical companies, or local businesses to connect more than 3 billion wireless subscribers, to their goods and services using interactive applications.
Long code are nothing but a one kind of 8-10 digit mobile number known as Virtual Mobile Number or long number (sometimes also called as SMS Virtual Number) which is hosted on a server and deliver SMS exclusively. When you send long sms, this sms is transmitted to long code numbers then it affects the sms supported on the keyword.
Keyword is a suffix to text SMS, it can be alphabetic, numeric or combination of both alphabet and numeric called alphanumeric (min. of 2 characters) and doesn’t include special characters like space, &, $ etc… Keywords are not case-sensitive. For example: “WEBKING” or “webking” for “9427206159” are same.
Typical services that can be deployed using a virtual mobile number can be a Request-Response application, Information-on-Demand, Activation of service, etc. Customers who have taken dedicated Long code, keyword is not required as in dedicated Long code, and our application delivers all incoming sms without processing any rules on it.
Unlike short codes which are comprehensible only in India, long codes or SMS Virtual Numbers are being globally accessible and an end user can send long sms to virtual mobile number at cheapest sms charges; hence, long code services are a perfect fit for enterprises who don’t want their target customers or employees to pay premium sms charges for sending a query. Moreover our long code services also offer enterprises to have their own dedicated virtual mobile number at very affordable prices.
Long codes in india are mobile numbers which can be purchased from telecom operators or ISP. Long code program at a little cost provide an immediate and large return on investment.
There are many industries using long code services. Few of them are as: Insurance companies, Mutual Fund Industry, FMCG Industry, Restaurants and hotels, Airlines, Banking, Entertainment Industry, Educational institutions, Stock Market – Share brokers, Hotel Booking Services

- 99.09% Uptime 24 X 7 X 365
- No data loss if SMS is received at our system ends
- Email Notification for each SMS received
- Web Based Control Panel
- Auto-Welcome: An SMS will be send to the customer who will send SMS to your long code.
- Reports: Real Time Web-based
- Database: Database of received SMS will be available in your account with us. (Web Based)
- Auto-Forward: To SMS (An SMS will be sent to desired number with Sender’s Mobile Number, Keyword)
- To email (An email will be sent to desired email id with Sender’s Mobile Number, Keyword)
- Network Support: All India + All operators across the globe.