- Dialing Short Code
- Messaging Short Code
The main idea behind this shortcodes number is to make them easier to read and remember than normal telephone numbers. Short code software can be integrated across all the telecom service providers/operators to provide a smooth short code service experience to all the users across all over India.
It is a two way communication. When a sender sends a specific query through keyword to a short number, gets a reply of that query by short message service.
Short codes are widely used for value-added services such as television program voting, interacting with a help menu, ordering ringtones, charity donations, and mobile services and for many more services. In Most cases short codes are used for revenue generating.
Messages sent to a short code registry can be charged at a higher rate (usually 1, 2 or 3 rupees per SMS varies from operator to operator); than a standard SMS rates and may even subscribe a customer to a recurring monthly service that will be added to the customer’s mobile phone bill until the user texts, for example, the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” or “STOP” to terminate the service.

- Easy reach and remembrance
- Hassle-free Always-Up SMS Service
- Wider and known Brand Equity
- Auto Welcome Message
- Free Auto Reply
- Web Based Control Panel
- Unlimited Sub Keywords